Course activity review tool for courses with 2-3 activities SD664
Include some bulk review and update tools for courses where we only 2-3 required activities. For courses like WFA, Navigation or Basic Snowshoeing with just a couple required field trips/lectures make a roster preview and download that allows you see that a student is registered for all required activities and then their participant result and probably participant notes. This is probably exception report for a course roster compared to 1-3 activity template roster (on screen and download).
For more involved courses we are hoping to build a mega download of all activities for students involved in that course. See listing here:
Glenn Eades commented
This will be a big help.
- Glenn Eades
Travis Prescott commented
How is this still "New" more than 3 years after it was suggested?
Dennis Miller commented
Note that some courses have graduation requirements that are difficult to automatically track. For example, a requirement to summit on x-number of trips, or to pass a written test, or a stewardship requirement.
Dennis Miller commented
I like the idea, but with a twist: make him/her eligible for graduation. No graduation should happen without explicit approval from the committee. However, it would be very nice for the committees to know at a glance what students are eligibile.
The system currently does not know which activities go with which course. That's a serious shortcoming that prevents ideas like this from moving forward. -
When a student has been marked as successful in all required activities mark him/her as graduated- make this a course leader option.
This would be for courses where there is no experience requirement. Ie First Aid and Navigation where only participation at the field trips and lectures is necessary to graduate from the course.