Display trail or route on route/place map GH2019
While it would be a lot of work to populate initially, the question was raised at our committee meeting whether the map for a route/place could actually show the route, rather than just the start and end points. This could come from either a GPS track or from tracing it out on a map. Alternatively, there could be a place, like a "Materials" folder and tab for each route/place, where we could upload a GPX file with the route.

We added the capability to add a “Resources” folder and tab to our Routes & Places. I will work with Peter Hendrickson on the process for creating these folders and adding materials.
Here’s an example: https://www.mountaineers.org/explore/routes-places/sam-hill
We’ve also got a blog about this: https://www.mountaineers.org/blog/coming-soon-enhanced-trip-navigation-resources
Chris Finley commented
Is it worth adding a reputation to the materials so that members can up-vote verified materials? Errors are likely to be small and unintentional.
David Geeraerts commented
Re-posting here from the main website:
How about the Mountaineers pays for a subscription to CalTopo (Pro version for storing 200 (+) maps). The Program Center would manage the account; as members we would submit our maps + tracks, that would then be added to the Mountaineers account. Since a share link exists within CalTopo for the map, that link can be added to a route, feature, peak, mountain, etc.
As a Mountaineers member, I would like to see CalTopo (Matt) be supported by our organization --he has done a tremendous amount in support of SAR, and many members of the Mountaineers uses CalTopo services.I'm happy to volunteer my IT KSA's for consultation.
Peter Hendrickson commented
Will need some protocol for vetting maps, routes, trails, tracks. Suggest source, author and date be included with any posting. Curious to see how we work with SummitPost, Gaia, CalTopo, and other extant sources of tracks and maps.
[from Peter Hendrickson]
How about "Maps, Tracks & More"?
Russ Hamerly commented
Also talk to the guys who wrote the 100 Peaks at Mount Rainier e-book - they likely have some experience to share and recommendations
Jimmy Klansnic commented
What about partnering with CalTopo that offers already more specific features for route, terrain, slope (winter) planning?
Improve the map interface so that we can add and display multiple points with labels and trace a "hand-drawn" route on the map.
Could be used to attach a GPS track or map for a route/place