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This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.

We receive lots of great ideas, so please search the forum before adding a new one. If your idea is not yet in our forum, please post it with a simple title and an explanation, and how it could benefit The Mountaineers. If you want to learn more about what we've already implemented and what is up next, please visit our Technology Blog. Thank you for your participation!

Please note that all our courses, events, trips, course-related activities, clinics, seminars, and lodge stays have forms for you to give feedback when you participate. You’ll get an email reminder to do so just after the activity. If your feedback is of urgent nature it may be best to contact the chair of the committee that sponsors that program directly. Not sure who the chair is? Visit our Committee Chair Directory or contact our Member Services Team at

If there was a safety incident or near miss, you will have the opportunity for submitting an Incident Report after submitting activity feedback. You may also use the Incident Report button on the activity detail page (from your My Activities page) or contact our Safety Committee directly at

If you reached this site wanting to report problem behavior or harassment by another member, please submit a Behavior Complaint Form.

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62 results found

  1. Provide Activity Feedback from participants/students to Asst. & Co- Leaders

    After an activity participants are asked to provide feedback. This feedback loop is an important component of leadership development and allows leaders to learn how their approach is being received. However, Asst and Co-Leaders do not have access to this information and miss out on a valuable learning opportunity. For some, especially less experienced Asst Leaders, they may be tempted to emulate behavior they saw from a leader without the knowledge of how that was received by participants. In addition there may be comments, good or bad, about the Asst/Co- Leaders. Seems like not automatically sharing this with the entire…

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  2. Allow trip leaders to require additional skill/course badges per trip

    Currently, the trip templates set the course or skill badges required for participants (or other leaders) to sign-up for trips. The problem is that these only specify the minimum set that could apply to that template.

    I would like, as a trip leader, the ability to require specific badges on a per-trip basis.

    To get concrete with an example: the Winter Scrambling template requires only that a participant be a graduate of the Scrambling or Climbing courses. However, the standards state that "leaders may require additional prerequisites on Winter Scramble trips". A common prerequisite a leader might wish to add…

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  3. Data request: How many people did we get outside?

    submitting my formal data request to build a report to answer the question “how many people did we get outside?”

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  4. Aggregate Lecture and Field Trip Feedback under Course

    Courses are usually made of separate lecture and field trip activities to which students can provide feedback. To review all the feedback for the course , a person has to open all the activities. It would be nice to aggregate all of this feedback under the course and maybe course temple with which they are associated.

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    It's hard enough dealing with the instructors and other participants that can not or will not read and understand the posting of an activity, course, field trip, ANYTHING let alone dealing with someone that registers without getting permission to do so. What is the point of having a check box or radio button if there is no functionality behind it?

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  6. View PDF files stored on the website in the browser

    Allow PDF (and other browser viewable files) to be viewed in the browser.

    The Seattle Sea Kayaking Committee is storing minutes as PDF documents. When you click on the file name (blue) what happens depends on the browser you are using. Some browsers (Firefox) allows the user to choose to download or view in a browser window. Other browsers (Safari and Chrome on Mac) always download the file.

    If I just want to view the file, having it downloaded to my computer is inconvenient. Now I must navigate to the downloaded file, open it, and later decide if I want…

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  7. Additional Roles for Course Rosters

    For Course rosters people can be associated with one of a hard-coded list of roles and can be advertised as a public contact for the course in that role. We are proposing that the list of roles be extended to better support current common practices. Specifically, we propose adding the following roles:

    Assistant Leader
    Content Manager

    The Co-leader and Assistant Leader roles are self explanatory. Larger courses may want to show multiple leaders as public contacts but still be able to identify a single person as the primary leader.

    The Content Manager is the person who manages registration and…

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  8. Satellite communicator contact information

    It would be useful to have satellite communicator addresses on the roster along with contact information. This could be voluntarily entered on the member page, not publicly visible, just of use by the roster, similar to the emergency contact.

    The reasoning: Unless replying to a message, a person's Garmin InReach can only be contacted directly using this InReach address. However, these are seldom shared among party members. The ability to directly contact a party member via satellite is a powerful tool in an emergency. Separated party members could communicate with each other. Overdue parties might be contacted. Additional contact would…

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  9. Allow Rich Text Editing When Sending Email from the Website SD345

    When sending email from the website, allow the use of simple rich text formatting (bold, italic, hyperlinks, etc.) and adding attachments when sending email from a roster or the carpool features on our website.

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  10. Gift Memberships for Renewals

    Why are gift memberships restricted to new members? Every year I'm asked what I'd like for my birthday and Christmas. It would be delightful if my family members could renew my Mountaineers membership. I get the benefir of the Mountaineers and my family gets the benefit of giving it to me. That certainly beats another tie. I prefer gifts which are not "things". I have enough possessions already.

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  11. Show member/nonmember status on rosters

    For courses/events that generate income, it would be helpful to the committee leadership if we could tell if a registered person is a member or nonmember when we look at the detailed roster. The reason...fee structure is different and we can more easily figure out how much income was generated without having to have staff pull the info for us (when they are already very busy).

    It would also be helpful for activity leaders to know who the guests are (so we can talk more about the Mountaineers/other committees and entice them to join).

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    On event and course rosters it is possible to see membership status and who is a guest under the "membership status" column or the ".  However, activities do not show this information. Adding this to the activity roster is possible and will be considered for prioritization if 1) it gains additional following or 2) can easily be added to a prioritized roster change request. To learn more about the updated feedback status options and process, visit this blog:

  12. Show past activities on a route

    When looking at a route, you can see future activities as well as trip reports. I'd like to see a list of past activities, along with their completion status and leader name (whether they posted a trip report or not).
    This would make it easier to contact past trip leaders to ask them about conditions, etc. as well as to get a sense of when people typically use the route.


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  13. Add "Applied" as a Registration Status Option

    Add a status that the course leader could assign when they manually add an applicant to the roster, before they have been accepted or declined. eg. the Basic Climbing Course roster would have 300 applicants that were manually entered by the leaders. (this has the problems of communicating to applicants to create a guest account and probably too much admin burden for leaders). As students are accepted, they are moved to "offered" at which point they can pay for the course. All who aren't accepted simply remain on the "applied" roster. This would allow a quick report for following years…

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  14. Allow Chaperone Registration for Youth Activities

    For youth activates that are not part of a youth program, enable the ability for leaders to set a chaperone capacity and for chaperones to register.

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  15. Make the Volunteer Hours page visible to all leaders

    Similar to how leaders can view any member's activity/course history. This would help leaders get a sense for a member's availability, see what they have or haven't tracked, etc.

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  16. Improve Committee-aggregated Feedback Pages

    (1) Add a "More Info" or make it so that clicking on the "comment" in feedback takes the user to the "All" feedback page for the activity, course, event, or lodge stay from which that feedback originated.

    (2) Add a "Download All | Download Selected" button to the bottom of the page that downloads a spreadsheet file with one sheet/tab for each feedback survey (e.g. Course Feedback, Field Trip, Lecture, Seminar, and Clinic Feedback, Trip Feedback, etc.). Each sheet will have meta data (e.g. title, dates) from the activity, course, event or lodge stay and then the feedback responses in…

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  17. Improve the My Feedback (Leader-aggregated Feedback) Pages

    (1) Add filters for (a) Committee, a select list of on which the leader serves), and (b) Activity Type, a list of our activity types.

    (2) Add a "More Info" or make it so that clicking on the "comment" in feedback takes the user to the "All" feedback page for the activity, course, event, or lodge stay from which that feedback originated.

    (3) Add a "Download All | Download Selected" button to the bottom of the page that downloads a spreadsheet file with one sheet/tab for each feedback survey (e.g. Course Feedback, Field Trip, Lecture, Seminar, and Clinic Feedback, Trip…

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  18. Improve Activity-aggregated Feedback Pages

    (1) Change "Feedback" at the top of the page to the title of the feedback survey.
    (2) Make the title of the course, activity, event or lodge stay a link to that item's details page.
    (3) Add the leader's name and activity date(s) below the title.
    (4) Add the title of the course template if the item is a course activity.

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  19. Simple and Effective Feedback Surveys & Incident Reports

    (1) Keep it simple and quick to attract more feedback.
    (2) For instance, we could have multi-choice or single-choice questions on page 1 (change it to cover a bigger picture than we do already) and have a conditional page if people wish to add more comments/improvements if they wish to.
    (3) Separate the near-miss report and incident report. They serve different purposed and requires attention and follow-up on a different scale.

    These are my thoughts; hope we can achieve to bring more feedback from participants by making it easy and quick. And also, by creating open culture to encourage near…

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  20. Add way to Embed EveryAction advocacy forms into blogs, webpages

    Being able to embed the action form into a Mtnrs blog or webpage would simplify the number of steps/clicks members would have to take in order to engage on an action.

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