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This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.

We receive lots of great ideas, so please search the forum before adding a new one. If your idea is not yet in our forum, please post it with a simple title and an explanation, and how it could benefit The Mountaineers. If you want to learn more about what we've already implemented and what is up next, please visit our Technology Blog. Thank you for your participation!

Please note that all our courses, events, trips, course-related activities, clinics, seminars, and lodge stays have forms for you to give feedback when you participate. You’ll get an email reminder to do so just after the activity. If your feedback is of urgent nature it may be best to contact the chair of the committee that sponsors that program directly. Not sure who the chair is? Visit our Committee Chair Directory or contact our Member Services Team at

If there was a safety incident or near miss, you will have the opportunity for submitting an Incident Report after submitting activity feedback. You may also use the Incident Report button on the activity detail page (from your My Activities page) or contact our Safety Committee directly at

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5 results found

  1. Add selections to class/trip/event feedback online form

    The first two selections of the survey feedback from need another selection. The first is for the class/event and the first choice is "Excellent" and the second choice is "Just fine". i believe there should be something between those, like "Good/Very good". There are many times when neither the excellent or just fine is the correct answer and since you cant submit the form without checking one, this is problematic. The second area of selection has the same choices but is for the instructor and again, i think the two first present choices are not adequate.

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  2. Add "Submit Incident Report" to Lodge stays

    Add incident reporting button to lodge stays. Lodges have their own inherent dangers, like falling out of bunks, falling down stairs, sliding down hills out of control, or having a bench fall over on someone's foot while she vacuums.

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  3. Display co-requisite badge status on course roster

    As a course administrator, it becomes difficult to manage and check on every individual's requirements to be met for the graduation needs of the respective course. When courses require co-requisite badges in order to graduate, display the course roster with additional columns stating when the respective badge was awarded to an individual for each co-requisite badge. This will immensely improve the process for course administrators to check on verifying individuals' records before graduating them. Also, providing a great tracking tool to follow up on individuals needing more help with courses and such.

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    This idea is related to a new Course Management Tool we are piloting this Winter. The tool would allow course leaders the ability to see co-requisite badge status along with the status of lectures, field trips, and non-course activities. Upon completion of a successful pilot, this tool will be rolled out to additional courses with priority given to larger/complex courses.

  4. Phone Number Validation

    I noticed in one of my activities that a member put their e-mail in the phone number field. This should not be allowed. Phone numbers should require validation to ensure that they satisfy the expected format.

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    This item is moving to In-Progress and will be worked on in the next few weeks!

    Please note, we will not be able to do as thorough validation on the emergency phone number as we are changing the intended use of that field to contain multiple phone numbers so users can easily provide multiple emergency contacts.

  5. Weekend Activities Filter SD502/503

    Add a filter to the activities search so you can find weekend events only.

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    Hello All -

    This item is being moved to in-progress and will be worked on over the next few months as part of our monthly support plan. Once complete, a user will be able to filter activities based on the days of the week. This will accommodate those who want to know weekend events or someone who has a week day that they are most commonly free. Please note, this will not take into account the time of day the activity is, only the day.

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