General Feedback
This forum is for you to share ideas and exchange feedback with Mountaineers members, guests, volunteers, and leadership. You may vote for or comment on any idea and will be notified of its status changes. Your feedback helps us prioritize projects and improvements for our organization.
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4 results found
Going to Mount Stevens was such a fun experience. The activities were fun and kept us all entertained, I ran into a couple old friends and made some new ones, and the lodge was very nice and open. My personal favorite activities were going out in the evening with my friends, or rafting. At first I was nervous for rafting, but it ended up being a fun experience. The food was good, and the room where we slept was as well. I would definitely come back here if I was with the same people I was with originally or was…
1 voteGlad you had a great time! I will make sure to pass this feedback on to our camp staff.
Add 'kid code' prefix to the Youth Flag Report form for cleaner report out process
all information pulled from the Youth Programs Form regarding transportation currently populates in the same column on the Youth Flag Report. This means that kid codes, pick up list contact info, and parent approval initials all show up in the same place on the form which complicates the process of creating program check-in/check-out forms for roster managers. It would be ideal for kid codes to populate separate of pick up lists and to have their own column in order to clarify this process.
3 votesCompleted Nov 2022.
Reorganize Youth Programs Menu
Our youth programs have grown significantly since our website was launched in 2014. Consider a user experience design for the the "Youth" menu in the header (the More "hamburger" menu) and the youth pages to help members and guest better navigate and find information about programs for their children and youth groups. Specifically we have youth programs in more locations and have expanded program offerings. We need to be sure the menu and pages cover all of our programs in all of our locations in a way that is easy to navigate and find the information desired.
1 voteCompleted Dec 2021.
Make Incomplete fields on youth form easier to see GH2332
Make it easier to see incomplete fields on the youth forms. Right now the pinkish/red color is a bit too light making it hard for parents to complete the forms fully.
5 votesYou’ll now see a red exclamation point at the right side of the form. These will disappear after saving the form for fields that were completed.
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