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27 results found

  1. Add MountainQueers to Search

    Add MountainQueers as affinity group to green search bar, similar to how we have "Singles", "Families", etc. If possible make this an easier area to update for the future as we look to expand our affinity groups.

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    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded

    Completed Nov 2022. We update the field's title, help text, and list of choices on the edit form.

  2. Searchable committee minutes

    We hold meetings, take minutes, and archive them. The ability to search past minutes will be very useful. In fact, I think that searching for when the committee discussed some topic - and what was decided - will be the most common way that I reference our meeting minutes.

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  3. Integrate Fuzzy Logic to Text Search GH2837

    As a site visitor give when I submit a search with text search terms, give me search results that are "fuzzy" so that I get a better and more comprehensive list of items that meet my search criteria.

    By "fuzzy" we're thinking of things like singular vs. plural (e.g. leader vs. leaders) and first names (e.g. Ben vs. Benjamin).

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    Site search has been improved as part of Tech Update 4.5. The blog with the details of this update can be found here:

    Please note, search will always be a work in progress but we hope that the updates made in 4.5 assist with searches for now as we continue to work to improve our search capabilities.

  4. Integrate Spelling/Typo Correction/Suggestion into Text Search GH2953/3738

    Add a feature or features that better handles misspellings and typos in text search strings. Two possibilities are: (1) a way to show potential spelling errors or typos like the red squiggly lines under such words, and/or (2) a feature like Google's "Showing results for {your corrected search string}. Search with {your original search string} instead."

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    Site search has been improved as part of Tech Update 4.5. The blog with the details of this update can be found here:

    Please note, search will always be a work in progress but we hope that the updates made in 4.5 assist with searches for now as we continue to work to improve our search capabilities.

  5. Improve Text Search Results GH2835/2836/2913(590)

    Refine the the text search results for all of the faceted searches including site search. Using threes words (W1, W2, W3) as an example, by rank ordering results in this order:
    1. Phrase – W1 and W2 and W3 in that order
    2. Contains all three words in any order
    3. Contains W1 and W2
    4. Contains W1 and W3
    5. Contains W2 and W3
    6. Contains W1 only
    7. Contains W2 only
    8. Contains W3 only

    Include some fuzziness in search (e.g. Ben give results for Ben and Benjamin).

    Consider weighting content types (e.g. Books above events).

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    2 comments  ·  Search  ·  Admin →
    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded

    We missed indexing text from the Page content type, so we added that. The removed the Image content type so images will not dwarf other types of content. We determined that that the search ranking was working as desired and described here.

    We’ll tackle integrating fuzziness and spelling/typos into another suggestion/project or two.

    If you find that a search result you expect is not as high in the search results as you think it should be, please send an email to info with:
    (1) URL from the search
    (2) URL from the item that you think should be ranked higher in the search
    (3) why you think this item should be ranked higher

  6. Add skiing categories to activity and course faceted search GH2753

    Its hard to find cross country ski courses in our find activity and course searches. Can we add cross country and backcountry ski filters

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  7. Put Instructor Opportunities in with Find Activities SD360

    For those of us not required to volunteer for a class, we were more apt to sign up as instructors or for classes when the listings were mixed with activities. We search by date, not necessarily opportunity type.

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  8. Make it possible to have org wide policies and info pages show higher in search results

    Right now its impossible to search for the carpooling page in the general search because people use the word carpooling in everything. It'd be great to be able to mark certain pages and blogs that have important organization wide information to the top of the search.

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    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded

    The issue here was that the “Page” content type was not indexed for searches. So this is fixed.

  9. Make Rolling Enrollment Courses Easier to Find in Find Courses Faceted Search GH2826

    Courses like basic snowshoeing which have multiple sessions are falling to the bottom and are harder to find.

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  10. Search closed activities

    I would like a way to search recently completed trips, so I can contact trip leaders for current route beta. This could be as simple as a checkbox on the activity search page for "Search only past/closed activities".

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    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded


    Thanks for the suggestion. You can use the “Starting…” section to find past activities. The “Start” and “End” dates mean "I want activities that occur between “Start Date” and “End Date.” This works for Find Activities ( and site search (

    Also note that our Routes & Places ( have trip reports associated with them. This may be a good source of information from trips from more than just our leaders.

    And of course you can search our Trip Reports (



  11. Make tag type-ahead search case insensitive GH2325

    Make the type-ahead tag search case insensitive. For example, if you type "Everett" or "everett", the "Everett Branch" tag should be in the results list.

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  12. Set up a Search for Badges to Make Them Easier to Find GH1881

    Set up a faceted search in the Badges area,, so that badges are searchable and easier to find.

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  13. Improve the Summary (aka Search Results) View for Files GH1902

    Add the Summary field for files that are added to the website in the Summary (aka search results) view (see attached image).

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  14. Add filters to site search GH1877

    The main problem with the search is that it returns so many pages of results that excessive paging is required for the search to be very useful. The sort, date, and item type filters do help, but more mechanisms are needed to narrow down the result set: Branch and Activity Type filters, for example.

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    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded

    We added Branch and Activity Type field to the Badge, Event and Blog Post items so these items can used as filters in the site search.

  15. Improve search for internal hyperlinks GH1662

    When hyperlinking within the site to an internal page or folder, the search engine appears to pull up anything that has your subject within the content, not just the title, making the search very slow. Also on the scroll bar, only the up arrow works. The down arrow does not work, so you need to drag the bar down, which is impossible to do slowly, so you have to drag the bar to below where you want to go, then use the up arrow to slowly get to where you're trying to go in the list.

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  16. Optimize Search for Results and Speed SD429

    With our large database, we need to balance a robust and complete search result set with search speed. We have fine tuned this as best we can with our current tools and setup. Still some searches are a bit slow and results sets incomplete. To improve this, we need to reconfigure our search application which requires significant technical development.

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    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded

    The speed of the type-ahead search fields on edit forms (e.g. adding to roster) is much faster while providing a more complete results set.

  17. Reset faceted searches when date boxes are emptied GH1435

    If both Start Date and End Date boxes in the "Starting..." section of the faceted searches (Find Activities, Find Course and Find Instructor Opportunities) are emptied, reset/resubmit the search.

    It can be removed by clicking the date filter at the top of the search, but we also want the date filter to be removed if the date boxes are emptied.

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  18. Make it possible to search activities by asst leader and co-leaders GH1527

    Make it possible to search activities by co-leader or assistant leader, right now you can only search by primary leader.

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    Completed  ·  Jeff Bowman responded

    You may now search activities and courses by leaders name for leaders who are co-leaders, assistant leaders or mentored leaders.

  19. Improve site wide search SD360

    Always show text box with search button in the header of the website, the magnify glass doesn't look like a search button the way other websites do. - suggestion from Focus Groups

    In site search show summary view of course, activity and events. Bring search filters over to the left hand side which would allow you to search for activities, events and courses all in the same place. It is important that start date of the activity range is part of this site wide search. Make it so that leaders and admins can search for things like activity templates or…

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    Completed  ·  Garrett Arnold responded

    We added a box next to the magnify glass to make it more evident that you can search

    The search now allows you to easily filter by content type more easily like file or course or activity or member (Contact).

    The search is by relevance but there are now search features that allow you to additionally filter by created date or start date or A-Z etc.

    We encourage you to go ahead and try it out and let us know if it appears there is a filter missing or another way you’d like search results displayed.

  20. Add course template name to activity searches for field trips GH1142

    Add the course template name (essentially the course name with the year) to the activity search results so people can find the right field trip that they want to instruct at.

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